
Toy Tonics is an independent music label and culture crew with international artists primarily based in Berlin.
We release music, T-shirts,  posters and a fanzine. And we organize the TOY TONICS JAMS where we spread our style and vibe. Read more…

Toy Tonics Posters

Now available on our webstore!

As many of you know Toy Tonics is not just about music and doing events but a big part of our crew consists also of graphic designers, illustrators, photographers (most of them based in Berlin). 

They do t-shirt designs for us but also the Toy Tonics pocket poster magazine and one off big size posters that we distribute at some of our events. 

Artists like Michael Sailstorfer, Kitasavi, M.i.r.u.e.l. , Paso, Leonhard Laupichler did graphics and posters for Toy Tonics. Some of their works you can now find and purchase also on our webshop: 

Purchase posters in our web shop!